Favorite Course(s): One of my favorite classes while in the program was Foundations of Event Management. Taking the time to see the behind the scenes of events and realizing that anything I program out I can look at as an event from a one-time offering to a regularly scheduled league, the logistics didn't change much.
Field Experience: For my field experience I worked closely with the University of Iowa Recreational Services and earned credit through independent field experience and participated in the Fans First guided field experience practicum.
Supplemental Experiential Learning: For non-credit/internship experience I spent a summer with Iowa City Parks and Recreation and Cedar Rapids Parks and Recreation. I also had the opportunity to attend and help with the operations of numerous Iowa Parks and Recreation Association Conferences. Many of the people I met there I am in touch with to this day.
Career Journey: My career has been in the field of recreation since graduating and nothing but adventures! Upon graduating, I spent a summer working for the University of Iowa Wildlife Camps before taking an internship in Alaska where I accomplished a lot professionally in a short time. After Alaska, I have settled in Colorado since February 2019 working for the Town of Snowmass Village. I have worked as a Recreation Center Coordinator, Fitness and Aquatics Coordinator and Program Coordinator during my time and have gained loads of valuable experience. I am excited to see where my next opportunity takes me and am thankful for my time at Iowa always!