“The financial impact of this scholarship, of course, goes without saying as tuition payments are never easy. The fact that the SRM program has put its faith into me with this scholarship will only push me harder to be the best I can be in every opportunity I receive. But what I’d really love to mention is the fact that this scholarship embraces diversity. I know what it can feel like to be the ‘different’ person in the room. I learned that especially in my K-12 years as I was growing up. But ever since my arrival at the University of Iowa, I’ve never felt it less. The Sport and Recreation Management program does an incredible job of embracing diversity and inclusion, from the instructors all the way to my student peers on literally every level. For a scholarship that I’m receiving in the name of the University of Iowa Sport and Recreation Management Program to embrace this topic which I’m so passionate about, I can’t thank you all enough for your consideration.”
Tyler – 2021-22 SRM Diversity Scholarship recipient – gratitude letter excerpt
The statement of gratitude above from a Sport and Recreation Management student captures the gratitude all of us in UISRM feel toward our supporters during this season of giving thanks. It also serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that our UISRM community can have when it rallies to support our students. Philanthropic support from our community in recent years has led to the creation of five SRM scholarship programs – including the SRM Diversity Scholarship that Tyler received – that awarded more than $50,000 of financial aid to 55 students last year and supported field trips, the UISRM symposium, practicum classes, and other efforts that were essential to the educational and professional development of our students.
In many cases, an SRM scholarship is the difference between accepting or turning down once-in-a-lifetime internship opportunities:
“I faced a big roadblock when I was offered the internship - I didn’t know how I was going to be able to afford to pay for school as well as a move across the country. When I was notified of the scholarship possibility, I immediately applied, and when I found out I was one of few selected, my difficult decision to move was not so difficult anymore. Within a month I packed up all my belongings and drove out to California.”
Lilly – 2021-22 John E. Evans Experiential Learning Award recipient – gratitude letter excerpt
Support from generous donors like the Evans Family Foundation and hundreds of individuals that give to UISRM during the spring One Day for Iowa campaign and the fall Season of Giving initiative help to open doors of opportunity every year for dozens of students like Lilly.
The UISRM Season of Giving initiative will determine how many students like Lilly and Tyler we can support in the coming year. During the Season of Giving from Thanksgiving week through December 31, you can support students like Lilly and Tyler by:
- Following this link https://uigoldrush.org/srm to our Champions page to donate
- Creating your personalized link at the Champions page to share on social media and in emails – become a UISRM Champion and help bring new members into our community!
And I saved the best news for last: the impact of your gift will be doubled! The UISRM faculty and advisory board members have pledged to match the first $2,000 of donations made to the Champions link above. Help our program reach its overall goal of $7,500 of support during this Season of Giving so we can continue expanding scholarships and reducing our reliance on student fees.
The UISRM program literally could not do what it does for students without our community of supporters. Thank you for helping us achieve our program vision of being “Student focused. Industry centered.” and thank you for being UISRM!
It is easy to give to the UISRM program during the Season of Giving, and your gift will be doubled by the faculty and advisory board (the first $2,000 donated at the link below by December 31). Any amount is greatly appreciated and will go directly to supporting the unique, experience-based education the UISRM program provides its students.